Doterra Essential Oils For Allergies Sooth Symptoms Naturally

By Mattie MacDonald

Severe or seasonal allergies have become one of the most common health problems in modern times. An estimated one out of every four or five people worldwide suffer in a more or lesser degree from one or other allergy. It is hard to believe that despite giant progress in medical and scientific fields, the prevalence of allergic conditions has nevertheless increased significantly over the last two decades - and continues to rise! Allergy medicine is expensive and in America alone, the estimated annual health costs for asthma are more than $20 billion.

What to do when the cost of doctors' visits, prescription medication, and missed days of work/school, leaves you financially crippled, yet without a permanent cure or solution? The good news is that Mother Nature knows best and guards all her secret healing potions in a magic pharmacy called plants. This is where doTERRA essential oils for allergies comes to the rescue.

The sweet-smelling flowers and shrubs that adorn our gardens and planet have much more to them than mere ornamental value. The natural aromatic compounds found in the bark, flowers and other parts of these plants are also magic potions from which potent essential oils are made. Apart from the lovely fragrance of lemons, lavender and peppermint, their undisputed therapeutic and healing powers have been praised since the earliest times. Essential oils made from these plants act as a powerful, natural anti-histamine to relieve the symptoms of allergies. A combination of these oils also reduces the severity of allergy-induced inflammation.

Allergy involves an exaggerated response of the immune system to substances that it perceives as foreign invaders (allergens). These allergens are often common things such as foods or pollen that are harmless (and even healthy!) to non-allergic people. An allergic or a-typical person can be hypersensitive to one or many allergens and in extreme cases, exposure to a specific allergen can be fatal without medical intervention. Anybody can develop or outgrow an allergy at any time, but people with a family history of allergies are much more at risk. Seasonal allergies are caused by environmental factors such as pollen, smoke pollution and climate changes.

People can be allergic to more than one allergen, which can have a very restrictive impact on their lives. A person who is allergic to animal proteins as well as pollen and certain foods, must constantly be alert to avoid these triggers. Asthma and rhinitis are two common forms of allergies in America, affecting millions of people.

In most cases, however, allergies are more or less a seasonal and harmless nuisance that makes one feel weak, itchy or irritated. Anti-histamines in the form of creams, lotions and prescribed medication normally bring instant relief, but the frequent usage of these over long periods can have negative side-effects. Natural products that boost the immune system and relieve the symptoms without any negative, harmful side-effects, are still the best solution.

Pure essential plant oils of a high standard can safely and successfully be used to treat the symptoms of most airborne allergies. These oils are skillfully distilled from plants that have been harvested at the perfect moment for ideal extract composition and efficacy. Because they contain no chemicals or artificial substances such as pesticides, they are harmless and without side-effects.

Essential oils have been used since the earliest times in many cultures for their medicinal and therapeutic benefits. Modern scientific studies and trends toward more holistic approaches to wellness are driving a revival and renewed discovery of essential oil health applications. Good quality essential oils can be consumed internally, or applied on certain body areas such as the bottom of the feet, back or spine for soothing relief. As long as it is a safe, quality product and one follows the instructions carefully, these natural oils are a healthy and natural alternative to conventional medicine.

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