Amazing Discovery - Baking Soda Cures Cancer

My stepfather and uncle died of cancer.

 My best friend also died of cancer.

I have lots of reasons not to like cancer so I made up my mind to look for alternatives, to help others who may be in a bad way from cancer to find a solution.

You too may be looking for answers.

 Cancer is a devastating disease that not only kills its victims, but also tears apart their friends and loved ones. The frustration dealing with doctors who give you little hope and treatments that are often worse than the disease itself is almost too much to take.

Well I have spent years looking for answers as I watched my friends and family members pass away from this awful disease.
regular guy and I may not recognize as much as a doctor, but I can also tell you that I am here to get to the truth and I think I have discovered it through two amazing doctors.

Dr. Timothy Brantley and Dr. T. Simoncini have discovered ways to help their patients beat cancer.

 And I think their solutions are powerful and should be shouted from the rooftops of every building.

 They are not miracle workers, just practitioners in search of the truth and looking to provide you answers.
 It all starts with understanding what causes cancer and what you can do to prevent it.

What Causes Cancer?

Cancer is the mystery disease.

 Billions have been spent to try to find a cure, yet you never hear anyone clearly specify what causes it.
 Sure we hear about certain bad habits like smoking or too much sun that may make you more vulnerable to getting cancer, but you never hear how you can get it in the first place.

Unfortunately, I have known far too many people who have contracted Cancer and have died. And despite modern medicines attempt with drugs (chemotherapy) or radiation (isn't that one of the causes?) most of the people using these traditional treatments lose their battle with cancer.

 In fact all I have seen from these types of treatments is quick deterioration in the patients health, plus they feel awful everyday from the treatment itself. In fact on Dr. Simoncini web site shows the fact that nearly all doctors themselves would not utilize the treatments they often prescribe:

"The great lack of trust is evident even amongst doctors. Polls and questionnaires show that three doctors out of four (75 percent) would refuse any chemotherapy because of its ineffectiveness against the disease and its devastating effects on the entire human organism.

 This is what many doctors and scientists have to say about chemotherapy:"
"The majority of the cancer patients in this country die because of chemotherapy, which does not cure breast, colon or lung cancer.

 This has been documented for over a decade and nevertheless doctors still utilize chemotherapy to fight these tumors." (Allen Levin, MD, UCSF, "The Healing of Cancer", Marcus Books, 1990)."
But recently, I have been hearing more and more about those that are living and beating cancer everyday. And the one thing I have learned through my research is that you have to beat cancer "everyday", because there really is no quick fix.

Two doctors who I think may have answers is Dr. Timothy Brantley and Dr Tullio Simoncini.
Dr. Brantley is a popular naturopathic herb doctor that I first saw on Rachael Ray show and later the Montel Williams show who teaches people that "You Are The Cause and You Are The Cure". In his book titled "The Cure Heal Your Body, Save Your Life" lays out the fundamentals on how he helped several people cure themselves of cancer by balancing their internal systems using a proper diet and aggressive detoxification.

This process saved hundreds of his patients suffering numerous ailments. And he has helped celebrities like Sylvester Stallone, Kelsey Grammar and other famous people with their health issues.

The keys to balancing your system as established through Dr. Brantley's book is to remove the toxins that are trapped in your body and simultaneously stop adding more toxins.

 These toxins are made up of free radicals that wreak havoc on your body. Dr. Brantley says that all of the answers are in nature and if you focus on feeding your body foods from the earth then you can cure yourself of almost any disease. In addition, he offers herbal formulas that can help to remove years of built-up of toxins trapped in the vital organs of your body. And he writes that Cancer cannot live in a balanced body and I have seen his patients on the Montel William show who have claimed that they are now cancer free because of what Dr. Brantley has taught them.

If you want to find out "how toxic you are", Dr. Brantley offers a free health evaluation or join as a member to get access to his healthy recipes and other health reports he provides via his web site. And unlike most web sites with answers he gives all of this information without asking for any a penny.

On the other side of the spectrum is Dr. T. Simoncini a trained Medical Doctor specializing in Oncology (a cancer specialist). He is confident that Cancer is a fungus that can be treated and cured.

 The most surprising fact is that the treatment is using sodium bicarbonate a substance we know better as baking soda. Yes, I said baking soda like the one Arm N Hammer produces.

 Through his practice in Rome, Italy, Dr. Simoncini uses sodium bicarbonate directly where the tumor resides in the body. He hypothesized that tumors shared many of the same properties of a fungus; and since sodium bicarbonate was known to be a quick and powerful weapon capable of eliminating fungus he might be able to use it to combat the tumor

 And it did as Dr. Simoncini explains "I thought that if I could administer high concentrations orally or intravenously I might be able to obtain the same result. So I started my tests and my experiments, which provided me immediately with tangible results."

These discoveries lead to equally burning questions that need to be asked:

 If something as simple as baking soda can reduce and eliminate tumors and changing your diet can eliminate and reduce cancer and tumors, why has the medical community not mobilized around these solutions? And why are we not shouting and lauding these discoveries in major forums where cancer is discussed?
The answer to these questions are not clear.

 Although you do not need to look far as who benefits from Cancer being treated in its current prescribed manner. According to the National Cancer Institute, cancer patients are going to cost Medicare alone $21 billion for 5 years of care of 700,000 people.

 This is BIG BUSINESS folks. Don't let anyone tell you anything different. Pharmaceutical companies, MRI companies, doctors and hospitals would be crippled if all of these patients suddenly went away. Many doctors do not want to challenge these businesses who profit from cancer patients and in turn help fund the doctor's living.

If this is why these alternative cancer treatments have not been tested on a larger scale then it is a shame. However, you don't have to give up hope if you or a loved one has cancer.

 There is a cure for cancer and you do not need miracles.

 I pray you find this article and pass it along to as many people as you can, because you can save a life. God bless you and anyone else who has cancer or who has a loved one who has it.

Please click on the links below for additional information.

Dr. Brantley's web site
Dr. Brantley provides you a pathway to better health with Healthy recipes and a free health evaluation, articles and more. It's a worthwhile visit since they give so much information away for free. Also check out his herbal products.
Dr. Simoncini web site
Bucking the trend Oncologist Dr. Simoncini has an answer for tumors and cancer and it definitely will raise an eyebrow.
Keith Mitchell is a freelance writer in the area of natural health and nutrition. He has been nationally published in health related magazines since 1998.
Article Source:


Alternative Medicine Cure for Cancer Tip 1 - Avoid the Rush Into Surgery

The choice to use an alternative medicine cure for cancer requires courage from the outset.
 When you are first told you have cancer it can be like stepping into an elevator shaft - your whole life can feel like it's going into free fall. And when you are told by your oncologist or consulting surgeon and you need to have surgery your first impulse may be "Let's get done quickly so I can get on with life after cancer."
This was true of my partner. Even though she regularly used alternative medicine the lure of the immediate fix that surgery for her breast cancer appeared to offer was enticing.

Due to a delayed biopsy report and an appointment mix up my partner waited three weeks before her surgeon confirmed his original recommendation for surgery - in her case for mastectomy.

My partner's surgeon said that 6 weeks delay wouldn't affect the outcome because the cancer would have been growing for 12 years before it had been detectable.

My partner saw that six weeks as a window of opportunity to explore where to find an alternative medicine cure for cancer.

She found a a woman who had cured herself of breast cancer who gave her electro acupuncture and bolstered my partner's belief that her cancer could be cured naturally. She also attended a complementary medicine center where she received intravenous vitamin C. At the center she came across women in the waiting room who had mastectomies several years before.

These women had used the same surgeon my partner was consulting.

 Their mastectomies had been successful originally but years on cancer was still playing a costly and uncomfortable part in their lives.
There may be some people who have a simple operation plus chemotherapy and then get on with their lives. But often the surgery can be the start of year's involvement in dealing with the cancer and complications.

So pause. Draw breath and allow yourself to consider other options.

 Especially when what's your facing is the aftermath of an operation like mastectomy or colostomy.
Because if you really are open to alternatives you can find people who have found a better future than dealing with years of living with a colostomy

Would you prefer to spend six weeks at an alternative cancer clinic in Ecuador to cure your bowel cancer or have a colostomy? When my partner was inDr Robert Wickman's cancer clinic in Ecuador that's exactly the future that opened up to a woman who was treated for bowel cancer there.. Her oncologist told her colostomy was her only option. After 5 weeks at Dr Wickman's her oncologist was stunned to tell her that her cancer was gone and that she didn't require a colostomy.

Or would you rather accept that a mastectomy is the only option - along with lymphedema ever after plus other possible complications or spend 8 to 12 weeks receiving treatment from Dr Wenzhao Chen in New Zealand, with his breakthrough cancer herbal and oil treatment based on Traditional Chinese Medicine anti cancer herbs.

Because my partner paused and used the window of opportunity the surgeon offered she eventually found Dr Wenzhao whose treatment was the only one that actively attacked and dissolved her breast tumor.

 We both wish that she'd come across Dr Chen at the start of her cancer journey because it would saved her a lot of time stress - and we would have enjoyed two years of quality living instead of our lives revolving around a search for an alternative medicine cure for cancer.

So pause. There can be a window of opportunity before surgery where you can find and use alternative medicine to successfully avoid cancer surgery and it's after effects.

When my partner found Dr Chen she was at the end of hope after more than two years of a relentless pursuit of an alternative medicine cure for cancer.

 Dr Chen didn't have a viable English website so I built one for him:
drchenscureforcancer [].

Why Chemotherapy is Always a Bad Choice For Cancer Treatment

et's just start this by saying it straight out
 Chemotherapy drugs are poison and should be avoided at all costs when trying to cure yourself of cancer. Countless doctors and drug companies around the world would argue that point to the bitter end, but that doesn't make it any less true
 In fact, certain polls and questionnaires show that upwards of 75% of doctors would refuse the very chemo drugs they prescribe for you. Isn't that interesting
?Chemo Kills...Everything
The problem with chemotherapy is it's extremely toxic nature
 It will obliterate cancer cells and will also obliterate healthy cells. It's a killing machine. If your body is able to survive, if the cancer is gone before you are, then it's deemed a success. Ever hear of so and so passing away from complications due to colon cancer, or lung cancer, or whatever cancer? What do you think that means? They were poisoned, my friend. Now, how in the holy hell can you expect to eradicate this condition and restore yourself to health with poison? It's ridiculous
Add to its toxicity the fact that chemotherapy generally has a very low five year survival rate, and the fact that chemo becomes less and less effective as you go along, and you can begin to see why it's never a good choice. Anyone who has undergone chemotherapy also knows that there can be terrible side effects that go far beyond nausea and hair loss
It's All About the Money

So...why would any self respecting doctor prescribe for you a "treatment" that poisons your healthy cells, has awful side effects, and a poor record of success? One word. Money! Cancer management, I hesitate to call it treatment, rakes in billions and billions of dollars every year
 We've been duped by the medical establishment, and the media to believe these ridiculous treatments actually make a difference
 There's no money in natural treatments.
 Drug companies can't patent a plant or an herb. And we're the ones who end up suffering.
The Key To Success

Some experts even go so far as to say that cancer really isn't a disease at all. It's a symptom, or result of some imbalance happening inside your body
 The key is to treat the underlying causes of the problem, and the problem will no longer exist. That may be simplifying it a little, but not by much
 Cancer lives and thrives in certain environments. It loves low oxygen levels.

 It loves high acidity. It loves sugar.

 It grows and feeds off sugar. It loves a weakened immune system.
 If you change the environment to one where cancer simply cannot survive, it will no longer feel the need to live inside your body

 Killing cancer cells without harming healthy cells is the key to success.
Despite what anyone, and I mean anyone tells you, cancer is cured by natural means all the time.
 There's a whole world of gentle, non-toxic treatments out there that will do what chemotherapy never could. All you have to do is take action
If you or someone you care about is dealing with any type of cancer and are not thrilled with what conventional medicine has to offer, go take a look here:
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Cancer Juicing - What Are the Best Juices For Fighting Cancer?

More and more, those who have been diagnosed with cancer are choosing to heal their bodies naturally and are opting to use alternative treatments for healing cancer.

 Juicing has proven to be a very effective way to help the body rid itself of cancer cells.

 People have been juicing to treat cancer naturally for decades, although it is just now increasing in popularity.
Cancer juicing, or juice therapy, has proven to be very effective due to cancer killing nutrients contained in certain fruits and vegetables.

So what are some juices that help the body to rid itself of cancer?

Below are lists of foods that are known to fight and prevent cancer.

These items must be consumed raw in order to get the full benefits, which is why juicing is such a powerful healing treatment.

Cruciferous Vegetables contain very powerful anti-cancer properties. Some cruciferous vegetables are:
- Collard Greens

- Kale

- Cabbage

- Cauliflower

- Broccoli

- Turnip

Beta Carotene is another powerful cancer fighting ingredient found in foods. These foods include:
- Carrots

- Peppers (chili, green, red, yellow)

- Leafy Greens (mustard, romaine, collards, kale, turnip greens, spinach, dandelion)

Proanthocyanidins (or PAC's) are powerful cancer fighters as well. Foods that contain PAC's include:
- Beets (including beet tops)

- Blueberry

- Plums

- Purple Grapes (with seeds and skin)

Other fruits that contain powerful cancer fighting ingredients include:

- Pineapple

- Tomato

- Dark Berries (strawberry, blueberry, red raspberry, black raspberry)

There are also bottled juices that are power packed with cancer fighting nutrients. Please research the brands and only go with the best. Recommended bottled juices include:

- Noni Juice

- Mangosteen Juice

- Goji Berry Juice.

Although the bottled juices listed above are great due to the powerful nutrients that they contain, fresh juice made from organic produce is definitely the best.

 During the juicing process, the fiber is removed with the pulp.

 Because of this, the nutrients needed to heal the body and restore the immune system go directly into the blood stream in the form of juice.

Many are amazed at the benefits of juicing because they quickly notice that they alleviate many other ailments as well including migraine headaches, allergies, dandruff, stiff joints, dull skin, dandruff, fatigue and high blood pressure. Many shed excess pounds as a result of juicing as well.

It is important to note that in order for juice treatments to truly be effective, the person must have a diet that does not include artificial chemicals, meat products or dairy products. Diet plays a major role in the healing process.

 Eating a natural diet and eliminating processed foods is essential to the healing process as well. Rebuilding damaged cancer cells through nutritional juice therapy is extremely effective and a much better alternative than chemotherapy, radiation and toxic drugs.

Visit cancer juicing and learn more about the very important role nutrition plays in curing cancer naturally. Visit and bookmark and learn what specific natural remedies you can start using to cure your cancer today. To your health!
Article Source:


Oxalic Acid - The Cure For Cancer

aily, certain foods and beverages are revealed as great antioxidants.

 For example: carrots, spinach, broccoli, tea, nuts, berries, garlic, onions, grapes, red wine, herbs, spices, and chocolate are foods known to be great antioxidants.

 We hear about flavonoids and vitamins. It is estimated there are 4,000 identified flavonoids.

 Isolating each one and determining what effect each, or a combination of each, has on a specific disease is an endless pursuit without an answer.

 However, common sense and research reveals there is one common denominator in the foods known as great antioxidants. They are all high in oxalic acid.

Are you aware that every mammal on earth has oxalic acid as a normal blood value?

 Ask any doctor or researcher what its purpose is and the best answer they will give you is that it aides in bowel movement.

 So here we are with a surprisingly high quantity of oxalic acid running through our blood with no real purpose?

There isn't a place on earth that a plant containing oxalic acid can't be found.

 Weeds are the most tenacious of all plants and are rich in oxalic acid. This is no accidental occurrence. There is purpose.

Research oxalic acid and you'll discover it's a deadly poison. So, we have a deadly poison in all the foods that are great antioxidants. Huh? Stop and simply think.

 Rather than isolating the smallest compounds within foods and researching each, analyze each food known to be a great antioxidant and find the common compound in each.

 This is exactly what has been done by an amazing 85 year old warrior of a man deep in the hills of Arkansas. This man is Colonel Joe Hart.

When is the last time you knew of anyone being granted a patent for anything natural?

That folks, never happens. It has for Colonel Joe.

 He has been granted three (3) Patents for the Application of oxalic acid for treatment of cancer, bacterial and viral infections, and vascular diseases.

 Why isn't the medical community screaming its merits? I wonder if the fear that this would eliminate a trillion dollar yearly health industry have anything to do with it? Talk about an answer to our nation's health care crisis.

Colonel Joe discovered the benefits of oxalic acid during 1992. Once oxalic acid was identified as the acid which kills cancer cells without harming normal cells, he was then able to identify what foods and environmental factors inhibited the therapeutic value of oxalic acid.

 His approach to eliminating disease by ingesting high oxalic acid foods, has resulted in cures of all kinds of cancer and disease.
 Do you need to pitch a tent in your backyard and live by a campfire? No. Is this going to cost a fortune? No. Do you need to travel to Mexico? No. Is the information freely given? Yes.

There is always a sacrifice for gain. Prepare to give up milk and cheese, citric acid (an additive found in far too many processed and canned goods), red meat, cell phones, microwaves, and alcohol.

 If this proves too difficult, you can always go in for traditional surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy only to find that the cancer comes back eventually or you die
 You do know doctor's never tell you you're're in remission. "Cure" is not in their vocabulary.
Ask your doctor the next time you or someone close to you is diagnosed with cancer what caused it. They don't know.

 The answer is low levels of oxalic acid in your blood.

 Having adequate levels of oxalic acid in your blood eliminates all abnormal cells effectively with no harmful side effects. Oxalic acid is God's Poison With Purpose.

If you seriously look into every alternative cancer cure that shows some success, you will find the foods, herbs, grasses, and teas they suggest all contain high amounts of oxalic acid.

 They simply don't know why their protocols sometimes work. Connect the dots people and stop throwing your money away.

Ask the American Cancer Society about tests they conducted over 50 years ago using oxalic acid in the treatment of cancer in experimental mice.

 The papers and evidence of positive results exist; however, they will tell you they know nothing about it.
Simply go to the grocery store, eat your chocolate, vegetables, fish, dark chicken, tea and wine.

Toss out the microwave and cell phone. Say "No" to fast foods and truly enjoy eating your way to excellent health.

Imagine never having to worry about getting cancer. Imagine treating cancer simply and inexpensively. Imagine a world where cancer is not a concern. For a free complete explanation and treatment plan go to:


Natural Cure for Cancer? - Mint Could be an Answer

One of the most exciting discoveries to make the news recently was that involving mint in the cure of cancer.
But let's back up a little first.

 There have been reports of miracle cures and natural treatments for almost every ailment and disease for as long as most of us can remember.

 Trouble is, there is almost always no proof, and we are left with only reassurances of ancient, but only recently discovered, healing properties of some plant, root or herb, that comes on the market, usually at great expense.

I have always maintained a healthy scepticism of these so called cures, mainly because they smack of profiteering. In fact if you trace the recent history of such claims over say, the last 15 years, there is very little evidence of reductions in incidence of, or improvements in condition of, sufferers of diseases that would have supposedly benefited from "new" natural cures.

So, it was with some interest that I read the BBC News report on the effect of a Chinese mint extract used to treat cancer, released by the University of Salford in the UK.

The report states that an extract from Scutellaria barbata has been shown to be effective in destroying blood vessels supplying tumours.

 A particularly positive aspect of the extract was that it did not affect healthy cells as is frequently the case with other treatments. It should therefore result in fewer side effects.

 The treatment attacks the blood supply to the tumorous cells.

There is obviously a lot of work to be done yet. Human trials have not yet commenced but the University reports that experiments on tumour cells ahs been very encouraging and exciting, prompting the scientific step of moving to human trials.

 Theis will take some years before we can expect a more definitive declaration as to the success of the extract.

The Scutellaria barbata is commonly known as Skullcap or Scullcap, commonly prescribed by Chinese practitioners to treat cancer of the liver, lung and rectum, and other medical problems. So it is by no means new. This brings me to my next point.

There are many who will attempt to profit from the announcement of this research, possibly by selling a "secret" extract that will "cure cancer".

 Although the claims may, in the end, prove to be true; I feel that cancer sufferers need to take a dispassionate look before leaping onto the bandwagon that may develop over the coming months.
 I know the temptation to try anything is very strong when one is suffering.

My only counsel is to talk first to someone who is experienced in the prescription of such treatments.
Seek out accredited Chinese herbalists so as to at least get a more informed opinion.

 Talk to others who have had a treatment where possible, and discuss their particular condition.
This way you can compare your own circumstances and compare apples with apples, so to speak.
Michael Haydon has been active in the investigation of Natural Cures for many years.
 He has investigated claims and reported these in many respected publications. See more at: []
Article Source:

Fucoidan - Is There a Natural Cure for Cancer?

Does the word "Cancer" scare you?
Well it should, however you probably think it will never happen to you.

 In the US one in every 2 men and one in every 3 women will be diagnosed with some form of Cancer and the Canadian statistics are very similar.

 Cancer is not the only disease that we should be concerned about in today's environment, depending on underlying factors the flu or the common cold could be deadly to some people. Due to poor diets, lack of exercise and daily stress most immune systems are so far out of balance they could not even begin to protect us against the smallest of infections or bacteria.

So have you ever heard of Fucoidan?

Like many the answer to this question is "no".

 Well let me attempt to give you some valuable information in this article that may save your life or the life of loved ones.

Fucoidan is like a closely guarded secret, as an antioxidant it has certainly piqued the interest of many scientists.

 Fucoidan has been scientifically proven to enhance immunity and cellular health to the point where it helps heal wounds, supports normal blood pressure, detoxifies the body against heavy metals, helps prevent the common colds and flu as well as, yes fight Cancer. There I said it. Fight Cancer.

Having dealt with some serious health issues over the past 3 years I have taken it upon myself to obtain extensive education in the wellness industry.

 I was never one who liked putting prescription chemicals into my body as the side effects of many drugs are far worse than the original problem.

 I am sure that there are many positive health care stories out there however all you hear are the negative with most having tragic and sad endings.

 I feel it necessary to take ownership of your own health care because no one knows your body better that you do.

Well let's get to the interesting stuff, as humans we are born with an immune system that protects our body from foreign viruses, bacteria, harmful substances and bad cells.

 When our body or immune system is off balance, which can happen because of many different reasons we end up sick and in some cases terminally ill.

Did you know that there is a natural dietary supplement which we can consume that will strengthen our immune system and help keep it in balance? It is an active ingredient call Fucoidan and it is found in nearly all brown algae seaweed.

 It is a common known fact that seaweed or dulse is very good for you however many people do not have the ability to ingest it? I for one can not handle the taste or texture of the stuff. Fucoidan is most effective if ingested in its natural state which is gel form.

 Some cultures are nearly cancer free and it has been deemed that in part is due to their high intake of brown algae seaweed.

Within the molecular structure of Fucoidan is the presence of fucose which is a healing sugar however not to be confused with fructose.

 Fucose is also found abundantly in human breast milk, that is why most new mothers are encourage to breast feed their babies to give them a good head start in life, boost their immune system and fight off any virus or disease.

To obtain Fucoidan seaweed is harvested by just cutting off the growing tips of the sea plant which will allow the plant to continue to grow and provide a never ending supply of Fucoidan.

 Scientific studies have been carried out and continue to be done to grasp a full understanding of the healing magic of Fucoidan.
 Don't just take my word for it do your own homework and you will quickly realize like I, that this is one of the best kept secrets in the wellness industry.

 Unfortunately most people just don't know about it and because being sick is a multi-billion dollar industry, the advertisement of natural supplements is suppressed.

 To really understand why and how the natural supplement business is suppressed I recommend you read Kevin Trudeau's book "Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About".

 It will certainly open your mind and give you something to think about, I found it to be a fantastic read.
Our immune system is very complex and so is the make up of Fucoidan and how it works.

 My goal with this article is to make you aware of its existence, how it works and why it works I will leave that up to the scientists to explain.

 Many of the global scientific studies can be found at
The money spent to cure and treat cancer is significant, in the US alone the estimate for 2005 is around $200 billion. Almost every one has been touched by cancer, some closer than others.

 Did you realize that in the past 18 years there have been at least 18 studies that have shown that Fucoidan either prevents tumor growth or kills existing cancer cells?

That’s on average one study a year for the past 18 years that has scientifically proven the health benefits of Fucoidan, consistent results, hard to brush off.

 Yes scientists have established that Fucoidan stimulates the death of certain cancer cells, as well as slows down the growth and spreading of such cells.

 While the research is still ongoing and there is much to be done the initial results known so far are extremely positive.
Cancer treatments place the entire body in jeopardy in order to kill cancer cells and unfortunately healthy cells are often damaged and the immune system is placed in total shock in the process.

 The price for cancer treatment has increased nearly 10 times in the past 20 years.

 Billions of dollars have been raised and placed into cancer research with no reliable solution in near site.

 Now don't get me wrong, I feel that great strides have been made however it still seems to be hit and miss.
Imagine a natural immunity boost ingredient that would have no harmful side effects, would have multiple health benefits, would come from a renewable natural product, would be inexpensive, and would reduce the incidence of cancer, common cold, respiratory and gastrointestinal infections.

 Fucoidan possess all of these ideal properties.
So why on earth is this not advertised, promoted or better understood? Remember before I said that being sick is a multi-billion dollar industry. Certain words are not allowed (especially in writing) when marketing natural immunity supplements, words like "cure, diagnose, treat and prevent" to name a few.

The scientific community has provided sufficient evidence that Fucoidan can have a dramatic effect on cancer however it can not be promoted as such. People who are diagnosed with cancer go into expensive chemo treatments with "no guarantee of success", so why is the system not willing to suggest a natural alternative that has been scientifically proven. Please tell me it is not about the money.

OK, so let me tell you what I do know about Fucoidan in politically correct statements that won't get my behind in hot water if I have not done so already.

• Fucoidan supports the normal disposal of non-native cells.

• Fucoidan may help stimulate immune response when the body is attacked.

• Fucoidan helps modulate the immune system.

• Fucoidan supports normal cellular health.

• Fucoidan supports blood circulation to native body cells.

• Fucoidan may help regenerate healthy skin tissue

• Fucoidan supports healthy joint mobility at all ages.

My family has been riddled with cancer and none of them are what I can call survivors, heroes yes, but not survivors
 Cancer is a disease most people do not want to talk about and I can understand that, so what about the common viral cold, respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections I know you can all relate to me now. Guess what Fucoidan is the Ultimate Molecular Immunity Boost.

 It contains plant bioactive molecules that generate amazing health benefits. Fucoidan is safe, Fucoidan is researched. Once again don't take my word for it, do your own homework. My goal was just to make you aware of its existence and in plain terms some of its benefits.

For more information visit []

Wellness is a lifestyle & Fucoidan [] is one of the ocean's greatest treasures.
Having spent 29 years in the corporate financial industry, I decided it was time to get out when my health began to significantly deteriorate.

 I now run my own business in the wellness industry and love every minute of it. I have learnt so much about what's available to us and how the human body works that I just have to share my knowledge and hope you learn something in return. Wellness is a Lifestyle. Come visit: []
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How To Use EGo-C Twist Starter Kit

By Rena Hudson

People within society are becoming more health-conscious, and the laws that regulate health are stricter as well. Smokers are becoming aware of the fact that conventional cigarettes are harmful, and are looking for ways to improve their habits. An innovative solution is the eGo-C Twist Starter Kit, which is an electronic cigarette designed to be much safer than any other tobacco product.

Electronic cigarettes offer smokers a wide range of benefits, not only in terms of health, but in other aspects as well. The kits that can be purchased are especially convenient, as they contain all that is needed to get started right away. The internet serves as a valuable resource in this matter, providing support for the 'ex-smoker' in terms of his/her medical needs.

The vaporization system of the 'green' smoke cigarette provides smokers a way of saving their health and continuing their habit. Since laws now protect those who don't smoke, those who do find it difficult to enjoy going out in public, as they are not allowed to 'light up'. Some restaurants and other places provide smoking areas, but they are not usually as pleasant as other sections of the facility. An electronic cigarette can be used in public places, as it does not harm or effect those around you.

Nicotine is a dangerous content in traditional tobacco products which is why there is a wide cry to ban goods containing it. This is the reason why electric cigarettes have come to be a solution to those who need another alternative to what they formerly take while smoking. Technology has made sure that we have a cigarette that is smokeless which is making the world less polluted with little dangerous substance in it.

The kit mentioned includes a twist battery device that makes it an even better product. It is an advantage that enables the smoker to determine the voltage of the cigarette, similar to the way he/she would choose the tar/nicotine content in a usual tobacco product. The voltages can be set from 3.2V to 4.8V, which makes the device suitable for any type of smoker.

Using conventional tobacco products carries the risk of cancer. This is perhaps one of the main reasons why so many people would like to break their habit of using these products. Nobody want to really make themselves ill, but the addictive nature of nicotine often wins the battle. Electronic cigarettes, however, offer a good alternative to those who are unable to quit on their own.

The kits for 'green' smokers are sold complete with all the equipment that is required in order to initialize the process of switching from cigarette to e-cigarette. They are really simple to use, and will not cause any bother to one's lifestyle. Plenty of information regarding the products are also available from many hospitals, pharmacies and other health institutions, and online as well. Online you can find out what people who are using them have to say about the product.

The eGo-C Twist Starter Kit has certainly transformed many people's lives. It offers someone more freedom, yet still satisfies their desires. The health benefits of this product are too many to even begin to mention, but in general, it offers a far safer way to smoke than any other tobacco product.

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By Ericka Mortellaro

Bunions are a problem that can become extremely painful. What happens is the joint of your big toe begins to grow too large, moving the toe out of place. That is when a bunion will form. It could be related to your family's foot structure, but it can occur for other reasons, too. In any case, a Findlay podiatrist knows how to help.

Those with family members who have this problem should stay aware of caring for their own feet. Yet it could also happen if you've had an injury, or if the shoes you wear are too tight. People with flat feet have the potential to get bunions, too.

It's terrible to ignore bunions for too long. They can get worse fairly easily, because that joint is used every time you walk. The bunion will continue to become larger, and the skin on your toe will get inflamed. The pain increases, and there comes a time when you must go to a professional for help.

There are different things a podiatrist can do to alleviate the pain you're experiencing. For example, he'll remove calluses and corns that might also be bothering you. You'll also be shown how to use a special padding that will decrease the irritation that is caused when you walk.

If necessary, special footwear will be designed for you, or perhaps a device used for stabilizing the joint. For extra assurance that the joint will become correctly aligned, you may need to use a splint while you're in bed at night. All of the techniques that are needed are used, based on your situation.

Bunion pain will get worse if you do nothing about it, so when you're ready for the healing to begin, talk to a Findlay podiatrist. Check local listings or the internet to find someone nearby. After your first appointment, you'll see why so many people go to a professional as soon as they realize a bunion is forming.

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Evolve The Mind With Spiritual Alchemy

By Vicki Diaz

For many centuries now, alchemists have been known to blend in the spirit world with modern science in order to make different inventions and even concepts that cannot be explained by the human mind alone. They also have a different way of thinking where in they believe that a human is like metal and can be forged into something that is way different from what it was before. Such an art is called spiritual alchemy which is the forging and mind, body, and soul.

In the olden days, before alchemists were able to forge different kinds of things by using the elements of the earth, they had to first forge themselves in order to bring out their maximum potential. The term transmutation is the most basic concept of an alchemist where one will become one with the spirit world and the souls above. With this spirit force that they have developed, they are now able to manipulate the energies and the matters of the earth.

Now the first aspect of this art that one has to learn about would be the spiritual one before he goes on to the deeper things like manipulation of matter and such. Being an alchemist is all about inner transformation or evolution. In order to evolve into a better person, one must first get in touch with his soul.

Now the most basic exercise that experts would teach beginners would be none other than meditation. It is only through meditation that a person will be able to speak with his inner voice. This is possible because shutting off the physical body will allow the subconscious to concentrate on itself fully.

Aside from meditation, there is also self visualization which is another mind exercise. Visualization is just simply visualizing oneself as a person that he has always wanted to be. If he keeps on visualizing what he wants to be, he will eventually force his subconscious to become that kind of person that he visualizes.

Although spiritual alchemy is seen to be an art that seems purely psychological, the main core of this art is actually creativity. Alchemists are known to be able to make things from absolutely nothing at all. This is simply because they have the creativity that can open up their souls and minds and create ideas.

Probably the only thing that will block a person from evolving himself into the being that he is destined to be is his own fear and ego. Both of these things are hindrances to advancement because ego tells a person that he does not need to reform himself and that he does not have to tap anything inside of him. Fear on the other prevents a person from moving forward because of fear that something bad might happen in the future.

So as one can see, even though spiritual alchemy is an ancient art, many concepts still apply to the modern people of today. Although many people will not be forging divine objects or elixirs, they still have to forge themselves. That is the most important aspect of this art.

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Causes Of Detroit Neuropathy Michigan

By Carissa Glenn

There are times when the nerves in your peripheral system are damaged and this is termed Detroit neuropathy Michigan. The central part of your nervous system includes the links to your brain and spinal cord. Your peripheral nervous system includes the area outside of the central nervous system.

The peripheral nervous system comprises three main categories of nerves. These categories each have their own function. The motor nerves control all the body's muscles. The sensory nerves control sensations like pain, heat or cold. The automatic nerves regulate bladder function and blood pressure.

The symptom that may be experienced when there is damage to the peripheral nerves includes muscle weakness. It may also include other symptoms such as tingling or numbness in the hands and feet, burning or shooting pain, or loss of co-ordination in the parts that are affected. There are affected persons who may experience a burning sensation in their skin. The skin will become extremely sensitive and may cause pain when you come into contact with towels or bedding.

Some of the causes of Detroit neuropathy Michigan include bacterial or viral infections, nerve trauma and nerve pressure. It can be caused by tumors or deficiencies of particular vitamins. Liver or kidney disease could be the cause of the condition. Diabetes is the most common cause of the condition.

To diagnose the condition, you may have to undergo some tests. The underlying cause related to the condition must be identified once a positive diagnosis has been obtained. To diagnose the condition you may have to undergo a nerve biopsy or a nerve conduction test. The biopsy is a minor surgical event where the surgeon will remove a test sample of a peripheral nerve from your leg. This is done to test the nerve and this condition causes the nerve's shape to be physically altered.

During a nerve conduction test, the health professional will place tiny electrodes on your skin in the affected area. The electrodes release very small electrical shocks that should stimulate your nerves. During this stimulation process, the speed and the strength of the nerve signal is measured. In cases where the signal is particularly weak or slow, it may be indicative of neuropathy.

When determining a suitable treatment plan, it is necessary to not only treat the pain, but also the underlying reason for the condition. This type of pain is classified as neuropathic pain. Neuropathic pain is known not to respond adequately to normal painkilling medications, hence other medications will have to be found to relieve the pain. These medications often cause side effects in certain patients. This may cause the process of finding a suitable medication to be prolonged. During this process you may be required to try a mix of two or three different types of medication to ease your symptoms.

If the Detroit neuropathy Michigan is caused by diabetes, you will be advised to make necessary changes to your lifestyle. This will help to control the diabetic symptoms and to prevent further damage to the nerves. The lifestyle changes may include regular exercise, regulating your weight, cutting down on alcohol consumption and giving up smoking.

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Qualities Of The Best Colon Cleansing Products

By Jennie Sandoval

It is important for you to know the benefits of detoxifying before you start looking for the best colon cleansing products in the market. Cleansing is the process of removing solid wastes, germs and toxins from the large intestines. Some of the benefits of this therapy include increased mental sharpness, better absorption of nutrients, improved skin health, weight loss and reduced digestion problems. Not all cleansing agents on the market work, so it is important that you do a little bit of research to identify the ones that work.

Natural health practitioners from different parts of the world have been advocating for cleansing of the large intestines, and the whole body in general, for overall well-being. This is because the process improves the efficiency of the small intestines; making it is easy for minerals and nutrients to be absorbed into the blood stream. Since the immune and digestive systems are linked, toxins can affect the immunity of the body by increasing the chances of infections occurring.

Some of the wastes that can be removed by detoxifying the colon include toxins, parasites, hardened fecal matter and other disease causing germs. These substances are known to cause frequent headaches, depression, fatigue, irritability, bad breath, frequent infections and constipation. Fortunately, there are products that can help you to get rid of all these wastes and toxins in a safe and healthy manner.

The ingredients contained in a product determine how effective or how safe it is. You therefore need to analyze each ingredient to find out how it works. Consider using the reference manuals produced by manufacturers and regulators. You can find out whether or not a product is safe or effective by simply looking it up in these manuals. If an ingredient does not appear in these manuals, you can always get advice on health-related forums online.

According to experts, it takes at least 30 days to detoxify the colon with most products. Since solid wastes, toxins, germs and parasites took years to accumulate in the large intestines, there is no healthy way of getting rid of them in less than 30 days. While there are some ingredients that can speed up the process, they often cause some adverse side effects. When analyzing different cleansers, you may want to consider the number of days it takes to work.

Reputable manufacturers often give money back guarantees on all their products. For instance, most companies that make cleansers normally give 30 day money back guarantees to buyers. Others even give guarantees for periods of up to 60 days. If a product does not come with a warranty, then you should do more research to gather additional information about the product, or find one that does.

The cost of detox products ranges from 50 to 100 USD. While some may be cheaper than this, most of them fall within this price range. There are also some that cost over $100. The high price is sometimes justified by the unique packaging among other types of value additions. If you find a product that is too cheap, then you may be looking at a fake product, so you should just avoid it altogether.

Reading product reviews is the easiest and quickest way of finding the best colon cleansing products. Most review sites normally provide ranking based on effectiveness, safety, popularity, price and reputation among other factors. Any product that has five star ratings on different sites should be given strong consideration.

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Effective All-Natural Solutions To Stop Snoring

By Nata Agren

Like all of us know to resolve any kind of issue naturally is the right way. Snoring is a problem that is normally observed in almost fifty percent of people. It is such a trouble that can be treated naturally. Snoring natural treatments as well as Spray are extremely much beneficial to address this issue.

There are two types of snorer, Irregular snorer and regular snorer. In case the occasional snorer adhere to the below mentioned procedures they may eliminate this problem by natural means. Hence, these following problems are Snoring natural remedies solution:

To lose weight and to improve eating routine: Heavy weight is amongst the most important reasons behind snoring. Most people who snore are heavily weighted persons. Hence, if you are a snorer with heavy weight, you should immediately lose it. Moreover, you must improve your diet.

To avoid sleeping medicines or tranquilizers: If you have got the bad habit of having sleeping pills or tranquilizer , you must stop this harmful habit with no delay. Normal sleeping routine could provide all-natural solution of snoring.

Please don't sleep on the back, Side sleeping is right: You must try to sleep on your side not on the back. Sleeping on the back is very prone to sleeping. Therefore, you might get one more natural remedy by changing your sleeping pattern.

To include extra pillows: Often the using of extra cushion is the primary thing you should get snoring alleviation the natural way. Assist yourself up to avoid throat tissue from creating hurdle in your air passages. Try your postures in different ways unless you find which is working out best. In case you are a married person or living with each other simply ask your husband or wife or roommate to look after you whether your snoring stops or not.

Avoid heavy food items or snacks and alcohol before bedtime: It is best to keep away from heavy foods or snack foods as well as alcoholic drinks before going to your bed. It is a good practice to prevent snoring. You should have a gap of at least 4 hours between your dinner and sleeping.

Setting up regular sleeping habits: Most people don't have any perfect sleeping behavior or maybe they don't have any set time of sleep. These people go to bed in different times in different day. Remember this is extremely harmful habits which will probably prone you to snoring. You need to apply a particular set time to go to sleep and it needs to be maintained rigorously. Some research identified that the people who applied a very good sleeping style can avoid snoring.

In some aspects, nose blockage is among the most critical cause of snoring. In case this is the situation which makes you snoring, try having a decongestant or antihistamine around 30 minutes prior to sleeping. The most excellent factor is that nasal strips serve as a great all natural solution for snoring difficulty when you are in problem by nasal congestion. You may get nasal strips easily in your nearby drug store.

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The Best Body Cleanse Offers Many Benefits

By Jennie Sandoval

There are many facts that must be considered when one is looking for the best body cleanse, as it is essential for one to conduct such a cleanse carefully and safely. Detoxification programs are frequently used by those who need to shed stubborn pounds, and for the purpose of eliminating toxins from the dieter's system. Detox is a term that is used in lieu of its longer form, detoxification. It refers to the removal of unnatural substances such as chemicals from one's bloodstream, liver, kidneys and intestines by following a rigid diet plan.

Many options are available regarding cleansing diets, and these range from programs that are very restrictive, to diets that offer the participant a little more freedom concerning his or her choice of fare. Below are some examples of detox diets that are favored among consumers. However, checking with a physician before starting any new diet is wise.

The most basic of all detoxification plans involve a three day fast, which starts off the diet. Throughout these initial 3 days no food is eaten, and the dieter consumes only water, and no diluted drinks such as tea or coffee. At the end of the fast, one must follow a monotrophic diet for an additional ten days. A monotrophic diet plan involves eating only one type of food at each meal, which is generally fruit of some kind.

One may also opt for a ten day detox program. The latter is typically focused on eliminating pollutants from the colon. Fried and processed foods, as well as fat, oil, sugar, salt, caffeine and alcohol are strictly prohibited. The diet is followed for ten days, during which one adheres to a very restricted eating plan. This consists of filtered water, fruits, vegetables, sea salt, organic lemons, cayenne pepper, and organic maple syrup.

Raw food diets are considered ideal by many proponents of detoxifying programs. Unlike many weight loss or detox plans that offer rapid results, a raw food detoxification program is a slower process, but often leads to permanent lifestyle changes of a positive nature.

Raw foods are natural foods that contain no chemicals or preservatives, therefore processed foods and junk foods are prohibited on this plan. The program is said to eliminate up to 90% of the toxins in a person's body in approximately one month.

Many dietitians think that ingesting chemicals and preservatives, such as those found in processed foods, and exposure to airborne pollutants results in headaches, fatigue, excess weight and skin problems. Those who promote detox diets believe that eliminating such toxins will restore a person's system back to its healthy, natural state. Additionally, such programs are widely believed to help curb the appetite and boost one's metabolism.

As with all health programs, the popularity of detoxification diets has surged and receded throughout the years. However, most dietitians agree that there are advantages associated with plans of this type if they are followed in a responsible manner. Those who have questions about which is the best body cleanse should ask a qualified health care practitioner.

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Exploring The Medical Benefits Of Syracuse NY Massage

By Frances Keith

Although most people know a soothing touch for its ability to make people unwind, there is a lot more than regular touch can do to your body. In the past, it was only available at upscale health clubs and luxury spas. Today, this kind of touch therapy is offered in large scale in places like clinics, businesses, airports and even hospitals. This is because people are continuously realizing and appreciating the hidden health benefits of Syracuse NY massage.

Upon visiting a massage joint, you can expect to see different techniques of touch. The first one of these, and which is the most common, is the Swedish touch. This uses kneading, long strokes and circular movements. The other ones that are also common include sports, deep touch, and trigger point touch. Each of the above types of touches has its own advantages.

These days, apart from the way touch can relax and unwind an individual especially after a long day out, more and more people are taking touch treatment seriously. In fact, people now see it as complementary and alternative medicine. There are several medical conditions and situations that can be treated using this therapy. One has just to get a regular touch, even if it is just for a few minutes every day.

A growing body of research suggests that problems like stress and muscle pain and tension can be effectively dealt with by use of touch. Even though these studies are still ongoing, there are some conditions that have already been proved to be treated by the therapy. They include such conditions as digestive disorders, anxiety, sports injuries, and headaches among other conditions.

But a good touch is not only important health wise. Some people like it for its comforting caring and giving an individual a sense of empowerment. It can also create a bond between the person offering it and the one receiving the touch. The importance of this is even more in a case where both the massaged and the masseur know one another.

Now this is very important for sexual connection. It brings couples closer to each other. Studies have shown that regular massages can really create a special bonding between couples. Even just sitting in contact with your partner can reduce stress as well as create bonding. Touch is also good for sexual arousal since your partner touches the areas that can stimulate the partner sexually.

However, despite the numerous advantages of touch that studies have uncovered, it is still just complementary to regular medical care. Therefore, you should never do the mistake of substituting it for medical care. But you can still make your doctor know that you are under touch therapy. If there are any standard treatment plans that you have presently, be sure to follow them.

In order to see how important Syracuse NY massage has become, one needs just to see how lucrative the massage sector is today in the United States. As a matter of fact, this industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. This is because more and more people continue to appreciate the role played by masseurs especially after a busy day out.

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Getting Through Your Cancer Treatment Successfully

After a bad-news diagnosis that you have some sort of malignancy, you are going to have to put on your helmet and travel through some bumpy sort of cancer treatment.

 There's really not much of a choice.

 While chemotherapy and radiation won't be your best times of life, deciding not to get treated will bring even worse results. In order to get through this challenging trial, you're going to need some help from your friends. Those friends are your actual friends/loved ones/family members, your best coping tools, and a substantial dose of daily humor.

Your Circle of Loved Ones

The Beatles were right when they wrote that song:

 We get by with a little help from our friends.

 Without the bolstering up and supportive encouragement from our loved ones, the journey through cancer treatment can be a trying one.

Going for chemotherapy and radiation is much more palatable if your best friends are holding your hand, sitting in the waiting room with you, driving you to appointments, and even trying on wigs and hats with you. This is the time of your life when you will see who your true friends and loving supports really are.
Your Best Coping Tools

Everyone should have an arsenal of coping tools to get through their regular life.

 If a health crisis occurs, you're going to need to bring out the best self-care possible.

What feeds you? Do you like to take warm baths, write in your journal, or watch movies while eating popcorn? Do you like to pet your dog, take Sunday drives through nature and hear music? Whatever it is that feeds you regularly, you need to turn up the volume on each activity.

 Take warm bubble baths three times a day, buy the prettiest journal you can find, watch movies on your DVD player and in the theater.

 There's never been a better time to amp up your self-care. It will carry you through your cancer treatment.
Daily Humor Required

It may seem like a terrible time to laugh, but it's actually a perfect time for humor.

 Yes, having to go through cancer treatment can be like sucking on a lemon. Adding humor is like adding sugar.

You know the drill: making lemonade when you're given sour fruit.

 Rent the funniest movies you can find, go to comedy shows, and hang out with your funniest friends.

 The best way to laugh at a time like this is getting out of your own head and into someone else's laugh track. Being able to laugh is like drinking enough water.

 You need moisture to persevere and heal quickly.

Going through cancer treatment may not be your idea of fun because it's not.

But you can get through it successfully.

 Surround yourself with your closest loved ones, practice A+ self-care, and inject humor into your life on a daily basis.

When you need Cancer treatment New Orleans can provide you a lot of options.
When you need to learn more, visit
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Table Sugar Feeds Alcohol - Alcohol Shortens Life, Causes Cancer

An unsolved mystery surrounds the reason alcohol causes cancer and takes years off of one's life.
 The mystery may remain because scientists hesitate to address the dangers of the socially accepted drug, alcohol. Alcohol is placed in a social category of its own outside the drug pill box and therefore treated differently.

Breast cancer is the most common alcohol-related cancer among women.

 It is reported that alcohol contributes fifteen percent (15%) to all breast cancer deaths. Alcohol related cancer deaths in men is primarily of the mouth, larynx, pharynx, and esophagus.

To understand the mystery of the alcohol-cancer link may be more simple than previously thought. Alcohol is a solvent that accelerates the assimilation of tobacco chemicals and other toxins into the blood stream. Alcohol alters estrogen levels in women and causes hormonal malfunction in men. As the liver is damaged, life is shortened and diabetes becomes more problematic.

It is estimated that the average cost of human life in years eighteen (18).

 This means a person who dies at age sixty (60) from alcohol-related cancer would have otherwise probably lived to the age of seventy-eight (78).

The National Cancer Institute at the NIH reports that US cost of cancer care in 2010 was $157 billion and is expected to be $174 billion by 2020.

A recent study reported in February 2013, published in the American Journal of Public Health, is the first major analysis of alcohol-attributable cancer deaths in recent years.

 The study's authors acknowledged that moderate alcohol consumption can have health benefits but estimated that alcohol causes ten (10) times as many deaths as it prevents. There's no known safe level of drinking, they said.

Regular table sugar compounds the dangers by fermentation.

 The fermentation conversion of sugar is simply into carbon dioxide gas (CO2) and alcohol. Xylitol is beneficial for the teeth but Xylitol is itself a sugar alcohol. Other common sugar alcohols include mannitol, sorbitol, lactitol, isomalt, maltitol, and hydrogenated starch hydrolysates (HSH).

The molecular polyol structure of a sugar alcohol, as sorbitol for an example, is part sugar and part alcohol. The negative side effects of sugar alcohol may include bloating, diarrhea, and laxative effect. Polyol (polyalchol) contains three or more hydroxyl groups which make a polyhydric alcohol which is rapidly and nearly completely metabolized to carbon dioxide that results in undo cell stress by messing with the mitochondria and interfering with the RNA that results in cell death. Synthetic sorbitol is an artificial sweetener.

The sugar Trehalose does not feed alcohol like sucrose and other sugar alcohols do.

 Trehalose remains stable in high acid conditions and strengthens the cell membrane enabling the cell to withstand stress.

 Trehalose lowers sugar craving and studies show that other Smart Sugars can reduce addiction.
Change Your Sugar, Change Your Life
© The Endowment for Medical Research, Inc.
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Check Out The Different Cancer Treatment Options Available

Cancer can be of many different types.

 In the recent days, with the immense progression of medical science, some kind of Cancer Treatment has been effectively found, but when cancer is detected in the early stages, the treatment can prove to be the most effective.

 Unfortunately, in most cases, the symptoms of the disease appear at a very advanced stage when the disease seems to have spread in many other parts of the body.

 The oncologists diagnose and determine the ideal condition, and on the basis of that, they recommend the most ideal and suitable treatment effective for the patient.

 With these different treatment options, the disease cannot be completely cured, but the spread of the disease can be prevented.

Different Forms Of Cancers::

There are different types of cancers with which people might be affected differently.

 However, among some of the most common forms of cancers, breast cancer is one of them.

 This cancer can also be again detected in several stages, and based on the condition the doctor determines the ideal Breast Cancer Treatment. In some cases, the cancer cells are found to be quite sensitive to the hormones, and in such a case, the doctor determines a different kind of treatment that might prove to be effective.

Surgery And Chemotherapy:

Most women go for surgery as part of breast cancer treatment, whereby it is believed to completely cure the cancer.

 On the other hand, the doctors also often recommend going for chemotherapy or hormone therapy largely based on the stage of the cancer, as well as the health condition of the patient. Radiation is also considered to be an effective form of treatment option by means of which the patient can get relief from the condition.
Getting A Second Opinion:

If you happen to go through breast cancer, it is wise on your part to consult with your doctor regarding the ideal breast cancer treatments that are available and effective for you. Apart from that, if you want, you can also go for a second opinion in order to reach the right conclusion about the ideal treatment option.

 There is nothing to be worried, because this form of cancer can be cured, and you can also expect to live a long life without any worries and tensions.

 Make sure that you do not delay in getting the right treatment in order to get relief from the condition at the earliest.

Angeles Health - Provides Best Alternative Breast Cancer Treatment in Mexico using the latest Breast Cancer diagnostic and treatment technologies to address even the most advanced stages of breast cancers. For more information on Cancer Treatment Please visit: -
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What Is Angiogenesis And How Can It Help Me Fight Cancer

Scientists since the 1970's have been aware of the importance of angiogenesis in controlling cancer growths and have been searching for ways to stop these new blood vessels forming.

 To date they have had limited success.

 When cancer cells first develop they are supplied with nutrients from nearby blood vessels but to grow larger than 1 to 2 millimetres they need their own blood vessels.

 New blood vessels then have to grow which will feed the new cancer cells and allow them to increase in size. That is an absolute requirement.

One of the latest drugs to inhibit angiogenesis is Avastin which is extremely expensive, has serious side effects but has not had the results they had hoped for.

 Another drug also in use today for cancer is one that caused huge problems during the late 60s. It is Thalidomide which back then was given to women suffering from morning sickness during pregnancy but one of the side effects was angiogenesis.

 It stopping the formation of new blood vessels and thousands of children were born without limbs.
Researches for cancer today are looking for a drug that will stop cancer from growing, without side effects and also is harmless to normal body cells.

 While there are a couple of drugs that have some ability to do just that, what we are not told is that we already have many natural products that have the same result and without any side effects.

 These natural products are of course some of our natural food that has been grown and produced by nature.
The many products that nature has supplied us with and are angiogenesis inhibitors are;
  • Food that is high in vitamin A, C and E. Some examples for vitamin A are carrots and sweet potatoes, vitamin C, strawberries and citrus fruit, and vitamin E, almonds and broccoli.

  • Bromeliad which is found in fresh pineapple.

  • Mistletoe which is also known as Iscador, and is also well known to boost the immune system.

  • Green tea which is one of Mother Natures wonders.

  • Milk-Thistle, also known as Silymarin, this herb is known for its liver protection effect.

  • Artemisia Annua also called sweet wormwood and has also been helpful for people with malaria.

  • Omega 3 Fatty Acid which is used in the popular Joanna Budwig diet and is found in flax­seed oil and salmon.

  • Mushrooms, especially the varieties reiski and maitake.

  • Resveratrol which is found on the skin of red grapes and also in red wine.

  • Quercetin; is in apples, onions, red grapes, citrus, cherries, broccoli and leafy green vegetables and it inhibits angiogenesis.
Many of the foods listed above not only do they inhibit blood vessels forming but many of them are also known as cancer fighting foods.

 One of the best foods a patient can eat is food from the cruciferous family which is broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and brussel sprouts.

We are all part of nature so therefore to fight cancer successfully we must turn to nature to solve the problem. Nature has always had the answers to cancer whereas man does not.

Alan Wighton is an experienced natural therapist specializing in nutrition.

If you are seeking information on how to fight cancer, using simple changes with diet and lifestyle, visit his website and learn how the body can fight cancer when you make these changes;
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Best Least Invasive Treatment for Uterine Fibroids - Shocking Way to Get Rid of Fibroids Now

If you are one of the many women who are being affected by uterine fibroids, one question that may be ringing in your heart continuously is; what is the best least invasive treatment for uterine fibroids? This article will attempt to define what fibroid is and also talk about natural methods of shrinking all types of uterine fibroids.

Uterine Fibroids:

They are a popular muscle cell that develops in wall of a female womb or uterus.

 It usually leads to excessive bleeding and abnormal menstrual cycles. Because of this loss of blood, fibroid sufferers are often dizzy and tired.

 Uterine fibroids or fibroids for short, is also known as myomas or leiomyomas.

 It should also be noted that thousands of women worldwide are suffering under the heavy load of this deadly disease.

 Reports have it that the number of black women who are being plagued by fibroid tumors is on the high side compared to women of other races.

The cause of fibroids is still a mystery that is yet to be unraveled by medical experts, hence the constant research on the causes, symptoms and best uterine fibroids treatment. 80% of ladies develop these tumors in their lifetime, 70% of Caucasian women and almost 80% of African-American women suffer from fibroids by the time they clock 50, and about 25%-30% of all women have symptomatic fibroids.

Some of the negative effects that comes with fibroid tumors include:

* heavy menstrual flow

* menstrual discomfort and pain

* abdominal enlargement

* pain when having sex

* frequent and unnecessary urination

* a feeling of fullness etc.

Uterine Fibroids Treatment:

A known treatment of which is known as Hysterectomy involves the total removal of the uterus.
There are other surgical procedures which involves the removal of the tumor proper, but unfortunately, not all fibroids qualifies for this.

 I must however state that the aforementioned are highly priced, and their major drawback is that they are not void of harmful side effects.

But if you are a sufferer of fibroids, and you are asking if there are effective fibroid treatment options or alternatives (which is not expensive) to getting them removed, then there is good news for you.

Most women now go the way of natuaral methods.

 Natural fibroids treatment that have proven to be highly successful and possesses none of the negative effects related to conventional treatments.

 Natural remedies for fibroids seek to deal with the root cause of the fibroids rather than just addressing the fibroids symptoms.

Natural or holistic approaches work with your body and not against it and they are relatively low-priced using methods and materials that are readily available at nearby health shops as well as available in your private home. It is indeed the best least invasive treatment for uterine fibroids

Pay Close Attention...

There is a sure fire way that is guaranteed to shrink uterine fibroids in record time.

If you have been desperately looking around for a cure to uterine fibroids symptoms then Click any of the links so as to gain access to read about the best least invasive treatment for uterine fibroids ever known to man.
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A Few Things About Reiki

By Jennie Sandoval

Alternative medicine is a way of making people feel better without any drug or surgical procedure. Instead, it involves the use of organic substances and life energy. A very well known treatment style that belongs under alternative medicine is reiki seattle wa. This is a kind of discipline that involves transferring ones energy through the palms in order to promote relief or a positive feeling.

Reiki is now being used in so many facilities like spas and wellness centers. There are also places that exclusively deliver this kind of treatment. Even though this is of Eastern origin, there are many people from the West that has started to use this because of its many benefits. Some places retain the original teachings while there are those that have combined this with some philosophies and techniques that are Western.

In general, energy can be transferred to the body in different ways. This can be done through delivering it to all parts of a person's body. This is good for making the entire body feel the positive effect. Some patients would prefer to have the energy transferred to a specific body part so that it may absorb the energy and feel better.

Aside from making the transfer between two people, there are times when this can be done by just one person. The person in need can get some of his owner and use his palms to transfer it to a body part that is in need of it. This, however, is only something that you can do if you have been trained or received attunement.

One very good advantage is that it is safe and very natural. This can also be done in a simple manner. There are no special preparations or anything that is complicated. A person that is going to try do this need not think of adverse effects or anything bad.

Another advantage that people could get from using this is there is nothing wrong with using it together with other treatments. One may use this even though he is taking certain medications or undergoing another type of treatment. Nothing bad is going to happen if you will use alternative or conservative medicine.

This manner of energy transfer can be used to help many kinds of condition. It is usually a very safe way for one to reduce stress. Aside from this, this is one of the methods use for the reduction of pain. Although it cannot cure a disease, it can still help patients feel better from the symptoms that they are experiencing.

For anyone that is interested in learning how this is done, he can go take part in training programs that teach such practice. Anyone can be expected as a student. One thing to remember is to find schools that are accredited. Students know that they are ready if they have undergone or received attunement.

Reiki seattle wa is a good thing to consider if you are looking for treatments that are safe. This is also good for the body as well as the person's mind and spirit. Alternative medicine provides holistic care and not just care that is limited to the physical body.

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Exactly What Is Naturopathy?

By Nathaniel Hamilton

Naturopathy can be described as field of medicine which borrows its basic principles from several ancient traditional schools of medicine. It is aimed at delivering holistic treatment by utilising the natural healing power of the body. Practitioners of naturopathy focus on the reason behind the condition, not the symptoms. Consequently, the mode of treatment is decided right after considering the condition thoroughly.

Under naturopathy, it's considered that the body currently has the resources as well as the strength necessary to treat illnesses. The job of a naturopath is to harness along with channel these energies towards dealing with ailments. Strictly speaking, naturopathy isn't an alternate type of treatment, rather, it is more of an additional form of therapy. Having said as much, it has shown great outcomes with problems such as asthma, lower back pain, arthritis, high blood pressure levels etc.

What does a naturopath do?

In accordance with the main tenets of naturopathy, a naturopath works with the belief that the cure lies in the human body. Her or his primary function is to stimulate and also aid this inherent type of treatment. For a naturopath, the signs or symptoms of a disease are defence mechanisms used by the body to restore normalcy. Instead of a doctor, she or he won't try to suppress these signs and symptoms. As an alternative, a naturopath sees symptoms as leads to end up being followed in order to gain additional information regarding the disease.

After obtaining a comprehensive medical history, a naturopath may create a treatment plan for you. Under typical circumstances, this plan might consist of making dietary changes, taking vitamin supplements or doing regular exercises. Additionally, he or she may additionally advise activities such as meditation along with yoga to reduce panic and anxiety. As is apparent, the precise mode of therapy may depend on the nature of the ailment.

Precisely what methods are generally used by a naturopath?

To begin with, naturopaths work with homeopathic as well as herbal medicines. These types of medicine are usually mixed with massages or even yoga therapy to decrease stress along with produce a conducive environment in which the recovery processes of the body can flourish. Occasionally, an iris examination might be performed as naturopaths feel that the iris of an individual may provide considerable details about her or his health background.

Precisely what conditions may be taken care of by naturopaths?

As has already been mentioned previously, naturopathy just isn't meant for unexpected emergency situations. Instead, it is an ongoing form of treatment that strives to bring back the wellness of the body the natural way. Amongst others, naturopathy can be used to take care of asthma, high blood pressure, chronic fatigue, constipation, arthritis, migraine headaches etc. Naturopathy has additionally been utilized to treat diabetes and also dental diseases. These tend to be a number of the most inconvenient diseases as they have longer lasting implications.

As opposed to modern medicine that works by administering medications, naturopathy relies upon far more organic means. Therefore, there are hardly any chances of just about any dangerous negative effects. Naturopathy is a time-tested along with secure way of coping with psychological and physical problems

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Information On Alternative Healing Modalities

By Antoinette Quinn

Alternative healing modalities and holistic treatments are defined as a way to achieve health without the use of chemicals, surgery, and medications. Much information is available on this subject with many different versions to treat a similar symptom.

As mentioned, holistic medicine is considered to be an all natural alternative to traditional medicine. Many participate in some form or the other when treating common illnesses such as the cold, flu, and bee stings. Much of the knowledge on this subject has also been brought by those who have studied or traveled abroad.

Much of the information calls for using all natural ingredients like plants, herbs, and vitamins and minerals. Each of these can benefit the body in different ways as well as have affects on many of the common illnesses and on general health.

There are a vast quantity of sources in which to find information on this subject. One can find many sources online, in books or magazines, speaking to others, and possibly a licensed physician. There are also a wide variety of clinics and spas that have chosen to specialize in these treatments.

It is possible for many of the medical associations not to agree with some of the treatments. Although one can find that this may be due to lack of research on a particular treatment and does not imply that it does not work. There are many associations that are beginning to test these treatments in order to find out exactly how they work or how affective they are. One should consider the source of information as well as any tests that have been conducted as one may discover factors that can prevent the treatment from having an affect.

Many will find that when the source is by word of mouth, opinions can vary greatly on the specific treatment as well as how effective it can be. This can be caused by any number of factors such as the person, any pre existing conditions, the virus or symptoms, and any medication that one is currently taking. If one is considering information from this type of source, the source as well as any other ideas should be taken into consideration as well as any possible precautions or interactions of medication.

One will find that a lot of this information is handed down from generation to generation. This information is commonly what can be recommended through a medical professional. It is true that these may not work for everyone but these are commonly tested treatments with a good success rate. Some of these have been tested through the medical association and been proven to show success.

Alternative healing modalities or holistic medicine can have many benefits toward overall health. Much of the information on the subject that is available can be found through many different sources. It is common for one to find suggestions that may or may not be recommended through the FDA or other medical association and one does need to speak to a licensed physician before starting or stopping any form of treatment.

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