The Seven Chakras Sacramento In The Body

By Annabelle Holman

Now the East highly believes in the concept of chi which would be the internal energy that flows around the body which would determine the physical and emotional well being of a person. Now this energy would be channeled through seven different spots which would be known as seven chakras sacramento. The overall health of a person would depend on how smoothly the chi flows through the chakras.

The very first chakra is the root chakra which is located on the base of the spine somewhere near the tailbone. Now when it comes to mental health, this is the channel that deals with the ability of one to be grounded or down to earth. If one would have this channel blocked, then he would experience conditions like tiredness, back pains, or even sometimes depression.

Now the sacral chakra is the next on the list and can be found near the lower area of the stomach or simply, the abdomen. Now if one has a healthy channel, he will be able to accept new people and situations graciously. Of course if he does not, then he also may experience medical issues in that area like urinary tract infection or even hormonal problems.

The third one would be the solar plexus chakra which can be found this time in the upper abdomen or solar plexus. Now this is the one that would govern the self esteem of a person and determine his or her level of self esteem. With regard to the physical aspect, blockages here may result in diabetes, intestinal issues or even anorexia.

Now the heart chakra is the next one that one will be taking a look at which is the center of the entire body. Now this one would symbolize the ability of a person to feel happy emotions such as love, joy, and peace. Now if one would have a block here, he would be experiencing a lot of breathing problems and also some heart or lung related conditions.

After that there would then be the throat chakra. Now since the throat has something to do with the voice, then it would symbolize the ability for one to communicate with others. Now if one has a blockage, he would most likely experience problems throat related or even problems related to the mouth.

The next one would be the third eye chakra which can be located somewhere in the forehead area between the eyebrows. Now it is this chakra that many would say gives a person the ability to see what is beyond what regular people would normally see. Now blockages in this area could end up in head related conditions like migraines and also psychological problems like depression and anxiety.

The last chakra would be the crown chakra which can be found at the top of the head and is known to be the highest one of the seven. Basically, this one would determine how humans would be connecting with the world on a rather spiritual plane. Blockages here may result in some physical conditions like exhaustion but more on emotional issues like lack of purpose in life or fear.

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