The Truth About Neck Pain And Alternative Medicine

By Ed Rob Munro

At one time or another in their lives, a full 75 percent of Americans will be forced to deal with neck pain. The statistics consistently show that alternative medicine methods are much more effective at resolving these pains as compared to physiotherapy or even prescription medication. To be precise, chiropractors handle most cervical spine/neck vertebrae manipulation cases in the United States.

The cervical spine begins at the base of the skull and is made up of seven rather tiny vertebrae. It's a marvel of anatomy that enables this delicate arrangement to support the full weight of a head that weighs 12 pounds on average. It's even more of a wonder that the cervical spine can move the head in any direction.

This biomechanical marvel that has such a critical role in the human anatomy is often abused and misused, leading to crippling problems. Things that can damage the vertebrae include whiplash and accidents, strong blows to the head, or even extended stress. Repetitive movements and age may both end up causing more serious neck problems, as can a wrong posture that tilts the head forward by a couple of inches and adds the weight of two to three bowling balls on the cervical spine.

Chiropractors do not read tea leaves to find out what is wrong with a patient. They use the same diagnostic methods as any good doctor, asking questions about symptoms to find out when and how the pain began. They will examine the patient to detect abnormalities or external signs. They may order an MRI or CAT scan, or even an EMG if there is a possibility of nerve damage.

The actual procedure is called cervical spine manipulation, also known as a neck adjustment. Skilled chiropractors use their hands to manipulate and adjust the vertebrae back into their natural positions. This is a gradual shift that takes place across several sessions. By the time it is completed, the cervical spine is at or very close to its normal functioning, and the patient is able to once again move the head without pain.

It seems quite easy in theory, but it reality takes a chiropractor with a tremendous amount of skill and experience to do it right. Needless to say, it is up to the patient to find a provider who is reputed and qualified enough. In general, though, the statistics about chiropractic are clear enough since consumers give it the highest patient satisfaction rating among all the different kinds of providers.

A recent article in Annals of Internal Medicine reported that a full 57 percent of chiropractic care patients in a study group found pain levels had dropped by 75 percent in 12 weeks. Among patients who were in the group taking prescription medication, only 33 percent reported the same level of relief. After a year had passed, the chiropractic care group reported a lasting effect.

Another report in the British Medical Journal outlined the results of a 52-week study of a group of patients with neck pain. They were randomly assigned and distributed among chiropractors, physiotherapists and GPs. The results were unequivocal - patients allocated to the chiropractor recovered faster and paid only one-third of the cost as compared to other groups.

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