Massage Therapy In San Diego In Body Healing

By Lynn Nguyen

Before the advent of different types of medication, there were a lot of commonalities. It was popular for people to treat themselves by having the areas massaged for relief.

In many aspects, massage is the most natural of natural remedies. Touching your body where it hurts seems to be a basics instinct, like our innate fight or flight mechanism. And many health practitioners claim that massage, no matter how superficial or deep, provides powerful results.

Massage has developed greatly over time! There are in fact many different types of massage techniques but we have listed four of the most commonly used methods from our own office experience.

SWEDISH MASSAGE works the whole body using a tapping, soothing and kneading strokes to relieve tension and heal sore joints. Swedish massage is superficial and have basic strokes; effleurage or stroking; petrissage or muscle lifting and grabbing; friction or use of fingers and thumbs working the deep thick muscles; tapotement or chopping tapping or beating movements; and vibration for finger pressed firmly on the muscles, then the area is stimulated quickly for several seconds. The effleurage and tapoement strokes are the most popular.

DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE targets chronic tension in muscles that lie far below the surface of your body. You have five layers of muscle in your back, for instance, and while Swedish massage may help the first couple of layers, it won't do much directly for the muscle underneath. Deep muscle techniques usually involve slow strokes, direct pressure or friction movements that go across the grain of the muscles. Massage therapists will use their fingers, thumbs or occasionally even elbows to apply the needed pressure. This method is best used with certain long standing injuries which seem to be persistent and require a bit more to release spasm.

SPORTS MASSAGE has helped athletes, weekend sports enthusiast by using a Swedish and/or Deep tissue massage. These strokes are alternated to help the athlete improve his focus, circulation and warm up of his muscles before a game or run. After the competition the benefits of toxin removal of the muscles helps him recover quickly.

NEUROMUSCULAR MASSAGE is used for specific muscle groups. It is a deep tissue massage used to reduce pain and release pressure on nerves from injuries to a particular muscle or other soft tissue. Neuromusclar massage helps release muscle adhesion or trigger points from areas injured due to micro traumas. Tension or trigger point area in the body and help ease pain. These is a useful massage used with spinal adjustments and other physical therapy.

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