It Is Best To Treat Fever Blisters In Their Early Stages.

By Jane Perone

There are two types of cold sore medication: over-the-counter treatments, or prescription strength medication. People who suffer from frequent or severe breakouts may consider consulting with their doctor to determine whether or not a prescription treatment is appropriate for their needs.

In order to treat the cold sore infection caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-1), the FDA has approved many medications.

Other doctors suggest that lower doses of the medication are taken on a daily basis-- this help to prevent future cold sore breakouts, and can be an effective treatment for people who get these sores frequently.

If you have repeated outbreaks your doctor may prescribe an antiviral medication to help with these occurrences. Although antiviral drugs can not cure cold sores, they certainly can help to curb the symptoms and shorten the duration of outbreaks. Many patients also report a decrease in size of the blisters and a reduction in the number of blisters experienced during an outbreak when they are on an antiviral medication.

In order to get rid of fever blister recurrences you can try Denavir. It is a FDA-approved cold mouth sore medication. It effectively shortens the healing time as well as reduces the symptoms of a sore in as little as two days.

Once you have contracted the Herpes virus, you will have cold sores for the rest of your life-- because there is no cold sore cure.

But, if you learn about different treatment options and medications that can help to prevent breakouts and reduce the healing time, you can effectively manage your symptoms and live a life with minimal breakouts.

For many people the cold sore medication is a single dose of Valacyclovir. People who have suffered from sores more than 6 times should opt for a daily dosage of Acyclovir, Famcyclovir, or Valacyclovir.

The biggest factor that will contribute to the effectiveness of your chosen cold sore remedy is noting the stage at which the cold sore has developed when the first treatment is applied to the site.

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