Reduce Your Risk of Cancer Fresh Herbs to Your Cooking

   Fascinated by the cooking style of Jamie Oliver, I became very curious about your freedom of delicious dishes with fresh herbs .

 He had always known that herbs are healthy , but certainly took a higher than I was used to notch. Flavors that fills the house while Jamie recipes I prepared pleased with the reception around the dinner table , gave me wanting to know more about fresh herbs for cooking.

This proved to be quite a trip as it was, for the most pleasantly surprised by the wide variety of health benefits of cooking with fresh herbs.

 In fact , I was so impressed , it does not take long to start my own herb garden .

In this post , I will share what I learned from my trip. Just before arriving there , however, I would side track a bit and say that another reason why fast food is so bad for us , because they eat almost takes our digestive system by surprise.

 Generally, when the food is prepared at home, the smell that fills the air allows our digestive system to start in gear , the boot process with saliva so that when we eat, the rest of digestive processes flow more freely. This is also another reason why home cooking is not only tasty, but healthier.

Return to our subject : Fresh herbs add flavor and nutritional value of food. It also makes the meal more interesting and transforms the ordinary into extraordinary meals.

 Herbs also represent the cultural identity of many dishes. Dried to give flavor and nutritional value and herbs, and they certainly have their place in the world of cooking , but fresh have higher levels of antioxidants herbs.

Adding reduces the need for salt and it has a big advantage here fresh herbs.

 Cooking with fresh herbs can be useful when you need to reduce the salt, fat and sugar, for health reasons .

 Culinary herbs are rich in antioxidants fight against the disease. Studies have shown that the addition of fresh herbs for a meal greatly increases the nutritional value by supplying the body with an additional source of antioxidants .

 Although there are many herbs that have a variety of benefits , 9 herbs, I'll cover here all contain lead compounds for cancer prevention . Besides cancer prevention , these nine have an impressive list of other benefits as well , and I will refer to some of them .

It is important to understand the value of antioxidants before they can fully understand the value of adding herbs for food. Antioxidants are a group of compounds that help prevent cancer , heart disease , diabetes, stroke, and also has anti- aging properties. They work effectively in the body by destroying free radicals, which are harmful molecules generated by bad habits and exposure to airborne contaminants.

List of new culinary herbs known for anti- cancer properties


* Basil has an impressive number of 53 compounds that prevent cancer

* Excellent complement to dishes tomatoes, vegetables , chicken, grilled pizzas , salads , pesto, pasta sauce , peas and zucchini

* The small leaves at the top of the plant are the tastiest


* Includes 22 compounds which prevent the initial development of cancer , 16 support antioxidants in the body , anti- inflammatory compounds 12 and 10 compounds reduced the blood pressure indirectly .

* It adds a subtle onion flavor to dishes and goes well with tomatoes , eggs , soups, sauces, salads, potatoes and baked potatoes , fish , sauces and pasta spreads .

* The flowers are perfect for decorating


* A 47 compounds for cancer prevention

* Courtesy of tuna salad, tortillas, carrots, green beans , potatoes , tomatoes , yogurt dressing for cucumbers , herb vine gars and cottage cheese


* Contains lead compounds for cancer prevention namely vitamin C , beta -carotene and others.

* Ideal with savory and sweet dishes

* Excellent with drinks , jellies , sauces, marinades for meats and vegetables. Great with peas with butter, fruit salad and tea


* A USDA study found that oregano has the highest antioxidant activity of 27 fresh culinary herbs . Contains 48 compounds for cancer prevention

* Completed with lamb , beef , eggs , beans , eggplant, peppers and tomato dishes


* Helps digestion

* Rich in vitamin A, which reduces the risk of developing diabetes and atherosclerosis (a disease usually caused by cholesterol causing blockage or hardening of the arteries) , helps form and maintain healthy teeth , skin and bones

* Rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system , is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and acts to reduce the risk of heart disease.

 It also keeps the flexibility and elasticity of the skin, prevents dry skin and reduces fine lines, wrinkles and spider veins.

* Is it a source of vitamin K, which is an important agent of blood clotting , which bleeding.

* Contains folic acid reduces the risk of cancer

* Includes small amounts of iron that prevent blood deficiency anemia and promotes healthy nail and hair growth .

* A potassium promotes normal renal function

* Calcium contributes to bone health

* Manganese , maintaining normal blood sugar levels and promotes a healthy nervous system and work together with other minerals ensures the proper functioning of the thyroid gland , as well as help control levels of cholesterol in the body

* Goes well with salads , vegetables (especially potatoes) and pasta

* It is also used as a breath freshener


* Stops the genetic mutations that can lead to cancer and reduces the risk of heart disease by preventing blood vessel damage

50 * A compounds as anti -oxidant activity in the supporting body

* A 47 compounds that play a preventive role in the early development of cancer

* 46 compounds that promote anti -bacterial

* 41 compounds that reduce inflammation

* 25 compounds acting as a anti- tank support

* Rosemary is also found in cosmetics can , due to its anti-aging properties, it rejuvenates the skin by strengthening small arteries just below the surface of the skin and gives the skin a healthy glow

* It has been shown that diuretic and prevents water retention in the body

* Also known to increase memory

* Helps digestion due to its anti- spasmodic action

* Rosemary is an excellent companion for Mediterranean dishes , lamb, chicken , fish , breads, stews, pork, roast potatoes , soups and tomatoes


* The Latin name for sage, Salvia , means to heal and there is an ancient belief that the addition of sage to your diet gives wisdom , which seems to be quite true, because it has been shown to improve memory and prevention of memory loss and dementia.

 It is supposed to help clear your head , calm the mind and make studying a little easier

* Has antioxidant properties that help prevent certain types of cancer and cleanses the body of free radicals. Contains enzymes that reduce the risk of inflammatory diseases like arthritis.

* New research has shown that it can play a role in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease .

* It also has properties that stimulate the immune system

* Some studies , which are still under study , are more an infusion of tea a day can lower blood sugar in diabetics wise

* Also antibiotic , antifungal and anti -spasmodic

* Although commonly used in poultry stuffing , also used in sausages and rich meats such as pork , goose and duck


* More than 50 compounds which prevent cancer

* It has antiseptic properties that fight minor infections such as coughs and colds , infections of the urinary tract.

* It also has compounds that stimulate the digestive system and cardiovascular

* Ideal with Mediterranean dishes , beans , potatoes , stews, eggs, seafood , chicken , tomatoes and other vegetables like carrots .

Facts about herbs :

* Buy fresh as you would fresh flowers herbs. They have good air, strong stems , leaves in vivid colors must be intact , no leaves broken, bruised or discolored .

* Buy fresh herbs as close as possible to the time required for the job.

* If picking garden: the best collected early in the morning after the dew has dried but before the sun gets hot. This ensures the best flavor and storage quality .

* There is no right or wrong way to cook with herbs. Can release their creative skills . In some recipes, however, gradually build your confidence in the introduction of herbs for cooking

* Herbs can be stored in the refrigerator up to 5 days and in the freezer up to 6 months

* The taste may decrease with storage

* If you choose to use fresh instead of dried herbs in the herb is generally three times as you would with fresh herbs dried herbs.

* More delicate herbs are added to the dish at the end of cooking time

* Less delicate herbs can be added about 20 minutes before end of cooking time

* Mint is one of the first plants that were recorded in known history

With an impressive list of health benefits such as cooking with fresh herbs have the ability to be not only more interesting, but more beneficial to our overall health. Enjoy this new adventure.

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