Red Clover Contraindications - Is It Safe For You To Take This Herb?

Red clover is said to have beneficial effects on women's health issues, such as PMS, menopause and infertility.

Although this herb has been reported with little or minor side effects, some people are advised not to take this herb.

If you are concerned with red clover contraindications, please read the information below to find out who should refrain from using this herb.

Are You Pregnant Or Breast Feeding?

Women that are pregnant should not take this herb in medicinal doses.

This perennial plant contains phytoestrogens (plant estrogens), and can have weak estrogen-like activity in the body.

Pregnant women are advised against use of this plant because it could lead to pregnancy complications, including miscarriage and birth defects.

Red clover is said to be contraindicated during breastfeeding. So far, there has been very little information on whether it might affect an infant or a small child. Use of this plant is not recommended to women that are nursing.

Do You Have Hormone-Sensitive Conditions?

You should not take this herb if you have hormone-sensitive conditions.

Such conditions are a major red clover contraindication, including breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis and uterine fibroids.

This plant is one of the herbs that have estrogen-increasing effects. Other herbs with similar effects include flaxseed and black cohosh.

Because this herb may act like estrogen in the body, it is likely to worsen the symptoms of these hormone-sensitive conditions.

Are You Taking Medications Or Herbs With Blood-Thinning Effects?

Red clover has blood thinning effects and is known to benefit the health of heart because it may prevent the forming of blood clots.

However, it may increase the power of medications or herbs with similar properties, and therefore may raise your risks of hemorrhage or excessive bleeding.

If you are planning to have a surgery, it is advised that you stop taking this herb two weeks prior to the surgery.

If you are not sure whether it is safe for you to take red clover, you should talk to your doctor before using this plant in any form. 

In general, this is a fairly safe herb to use. According to the National Institutes of Health in the United States on the red clover contraindications, 'no serious adverse effects have been reported'.

For effective menopause symptoms relief, it is advised that you buy from quality supplements manufacturers that can support their formula with sound clinical data on the safety and effectiveness.

To learn more about the benefits of red clover and its contraindications, and to read reviews on menopause supplements on the market, please visit my website today.

Ruolan is an advocate and researcher on the benefits of all natural supplements for menopausal symptoms. Visit her website to learn well-researched facts and her honest reviews on menopause supplements on the market.

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